Thursday, March 14, 2013

My front yard - the aerodrome

Coming in for a landing

Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods (and by that, I mean desert), and the plum tree in my front yard is full of lovely pink blossoms. Every year that signals the influx of many, many, and I mean MANY bees. On the other side of our driveway, we have a fruitless pear, which does the same thing. When we go into the front yard, the buzzing is pretty darn loud.
I have been trying for days to get a clear close-up picture of a bee. I have several decent pictures, but nothing crystal clear. I have tried different settings, different lenses. I think I need a macro lens, but I don't even know how they work for moving targets. 
Let me tell you, you do not want to know how many pictures I have taken. Okay... over 200 pictures - luckily digital 'film' is free! Here are some of my better ones.
I've heard that slow and steady wins the race....maybe that's true!

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