My morning adventure |
The nose of an Air Force jet |
Yesterday I went to a talk that local photographer, Mike Massee, gave at Mojave's Plane Crazy event that they have every month. He works for XCOR so he gets to take pretty pictures of the flames shooting out of the backs of rocket engines, along with Space Ship One and some other pretty amazing rocket planes.
It was really interesting, and it ingrained in me even more the idea that you have to just take pictures as you go through life and of what you do, and where you go, and of what you love. He was just taking pictures of fledgling rocket engines and by being in the right place, he was given some amazing opportunities to take pictures of Space Ship One which were used all over the world. The room for the talk yesterday was packed, with people sitting on the floor and a group came from Riverside to hear him.
On the way to Mojave, I stopped to visit the joshua tree that gave me the pretty picture in my first blog. The bloom is continuing on its merry way. This stage is not nearly as pretty. But full bloom is pretty nice, so I can't wait for that.

After the lecture, I went out to the tarmack and took some pictures of the planes they had there. I do not know their names. I am not really a plane person, other than to like flying in them. But I got some fun shots and got practice shooting in the blinding sun on concrete (always a challenge!).
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